Teeth Cleaning & Whitening

Teeth Whitening & Bleaching

Many patients understandably confuse the “Teeth Cleaning” with “Teeth Whitening”. As two similar but very different dental procedures, their biggest difference stems from their purpose. The primary goal of teeth cleaning is to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth in order to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. The purpose behind teeth whitening is to remove stains for cosmetic reasons. Teeth whitening make a smile sparkle while teeth cleaning assures the continued health of your teeth and gums.

Teeth Cleaning - One of the most underestimated processes that we do in our daily lives is undoubtedly the cleaning of the teeth. Many of the researchers done so far have proved time and again that people often do not clean their teeth properly, and in most case, their cleaning techniques and patterns do more damage than good. The tiny spaces between the teeth are the places where the germ buildup takes, and it takes an extraordinary effort to clean them regularly. As a result, people tend to cover only the basic parts and are left to wonder why they have dental problems in spite of proper cleaning. It is very much mandatory to have regular sessions with your dentist to clean your teeth. Most of the dentists would advise you to come for the cleaning procedures once in every six months. Most people associate the cleaning techniques with pain, jaw pain and prodding. The truth is much simpler. The cleaning techniques are sophisticated to the extent that you would not feel any pain or discomfort when undergoing the process.

Teeth whitening - Bleaching teeth refers to whitening teeth beyond their natural color. Active ingredients like hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide are bleaching agents most often used in teeth bleaching processes.
Having your teeth whitened at the dentist’s office provides the highest quality whitening to achieve safe, reliable bleaching results. The process uses higher-concentration bleaching agents and is administered by the dentist or trained hygienist and assistants.