Facial Fractures

Facial Fractures

A facial fracture is a broken bone in the face. The face has a complex bone structure. The facial skeleton consists of the frontal bone (forehead), zygomas (cheekbones), orbital bones (eye sockets), nasal bones, maxillary bones (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw). There are many other bones that are found deeper within the facial structure. Muscles required for chewing, swallowing and talking are attached to these bones.

Nasal fractures (broken nose) are the most common. Fractures to other facial bones can also occur. Only one fracture may be present, or there may be several broken bones. Multiple fractures are more likely to occur during a motor vehicle accident or other high-impact accident. Fractures may be unilateral (occurring on one side of the face) or bilateral (both sides of the face).